The above illustrations are of an integrated spacefaring logistics infrastructure utilizing technologies available today. There is no science fiction in this illustration. This is what the United States is missing in terms of commercial human spacefaring capabilities that could be operational today.
The following is a compendium of papers, articles, presentations, and videos I have written and co-written on the topic of spacefaring logistics and sustainable energy security. The American public has been woefully misinformed about the true capabilities of the American aerospace industry with respect to human commercial spacefaring operations. Today, our human spacefaring capabilities are virtually nonexistent not because of a lack of technological capability but because of poor political and national space policy decisions made since the end of the Apollo program some forty years ago. While it is easy to point fingers, the real failure has been with the professional aerospace engineering community in not speaking forcefully and boldly to the public about what can be done and what needs to be done in transforming America into a true commercial human spacefaring nation capable of routine and space operations throughout the Earth-Moon system. I have decided to take it upon myself so that a least one voice is striving to inform the public about what can be done and what needs to be done. The technical papers written from 2004–2008 aimed at identifying technological approaches to establishing a commercial human spacefaring enterprise using available technologies.
The primary driver of the American human spacefaring enterprise for the rest of this century will be building and operating an immense new space-based sustainable energy industry and the enabling spacefaring logistics capabilities. Most of the pro-commercial space community has not yet adopted this point of view. Instead, they focus on manned missions to Mars or suborbital commercial adventure space travel. In doing so, they ignore the need for America to become energy secure with space-based sustainable power before terrestrial fossil fuel supplies become unaffordable. Much of my writings in recent years have been focused on this topic.
The starting point in reading the following is to understand America’s energy insecurity with respect to its substantial dependence on fossil fuels. The following papers discuss this issue quantitatively.
- Evaluating America’s green energy options (2022)
- An assessment of EU decarbonization options including astroelectricity (2021)
- The Coming Age of Astroelectricity (2021)
- Astroelectricity (eBook, 2019)
- Rationale for a National Astroelectricity Program (2019)
- Analysis of US 2100 Energy Needs and Sustainable Energy Sources (2016)
- Becoming Spacefaring: America’s Path Forward in Space (2015)
- The American Energy Security Crisis Solution—Space Solar Power (2014)
- The End of Easy Energy and What to Do About It (2008)
- America’s Energy Future is at Risk without Space Solar Power (2008)
Mike Snead’s new “Spaceward” series of YouTube videos on the Spacefaring Institute channel.
- America’s Spacelifter — Using the SLS cargo version to build America’s astrologistics infrastructure
To return America to leadership in human spacefaring operations, America now needs to focus on building a national astrologistics infrastructure to enable safe and robust human spacefaring operations throughout the Earth-Moon system. Fortunately, America now can make use of the unmanned cargo version of the Space Launch System (SLS) to begin to build the space bases, space habitats, and true spaceships that are now needed. Re-branded as America’s Spacelifter, the cargo version of the SLS will provide a cost-effective way for America to realize its long-held dream of becoming a true human spacefaring nation.
Mike Snead’s most recent YouTube videos on space solar power-generated astroelectricity are on the Spacefaring Institute channel.
- Sustainably powering the world with space solar power (21 minutes)
On 14 July 2023, Mike Snead was invited to present at a workshop on space solar power hosted by the European Space Agency. Mr. Snead provided this highly-visual, narrated video as his presentation. In this video, Mr. Snead explains why wind power and ground solar power are not practicable solutions for the world to “go clean”, and why and how space solar power-generated astroelectricity is the world’s “clean’ energy solution. Mr. Snead also explains how the cargo version of the Space Launch System can be used to begin to build the low Earth orbit astrologistics capabilities needed to begin the new “Spacefaring Age” to undertake space solar power. - The National Security Implications of Astroelectricity – Introduction (6 minutes)
This video is the narrated introduction to the presentation, The National Security Implications of Astroelectricity, given to the Defense Planning & Analysis Society on 24 February 2022. - The Coming Age of Astroelectricity (9 minutes)
This video was presented at the June 2021 Space Renaissance International online conference. This is a top-level video for the general public and executives that wish to have a basic understanding of space solar power and its advantages. - Enriching humanity using astroelectricity (24 minutes)
This is a video of Mike Snead’s invited presentation at an online conference hosted in Portugal in August 2020. This presentation covers three areas: (1) Why astroelectricity is the answer to the world’s need for sustainable energy; (2) How astroelectricity will address many of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals; and (3) How astroelectricity will help to create affordable housing. - (Em)Powering world peace and prosperity using astroelectricity (26 minutes)
This is a video of Mike Snead’s invited presentation at an online conference hosted in Portugal in July 2020. This presentation explains how much green electricity will be needed per person to enable the equivalent of an European middle-class standard of living. The presentation then estimates how much green electrical power generation capacity will be needed by 2100. Finally, the presentation explains why terrestrial nuclear fission and renewable energy sources cannot practically meet this green energy need and how space solar power-generated astroelectricity will enable the world to transition to sustainable energy.
Other Spacefaring Institute videos:
- Spacefaring Institute – Charting America’s Path Spaceward! (1 minute video)
- Building an American astrologistics infrastructure (1 minute video)
- “Freedom from Want” using astroelectricity (1 minute video)
- A peek at what America’s exciting spacefaring future can be! (3 minute video)
- Space Solar Power (14 minute video)
- USA must lead the transition to space-based energy (2 minute video)
Spacefaring white papers and articles:
- Solving the Commercial Passenger Spaceflight Puzzle (2019)
- American “Astrologistics” (2019)
- America Needs to Become Spacefaring (2007)
- Near-Future American Space Infrastructure Possibilities (2007)
Spacefaring videos (Select with right button to designate a location to save the file) (Elements of these videos are incorporated into the Intro to future American spacefaring capabilities listed below.) These files have been updated to the MP4 video format.
- Assured Space Access (30 Meg; 2 minutes; video is in the public domain)
- In-space Servicing (55 Meg; 2 minutes; video is in the public domain)
- Space Mobility (93 Meg; 4 minutes; video is in the public domain
Spacefaring Institute’s 2016 Energy & Environmental Security Series
- Understanding GEO Space Solar Power (6 minute video)
- 3 Minutes on the Rising CO2 Level (3 minute video)
- Understanding the CO2 Issue (13 minute video)
- Understanding America’s Energy Security Challenge (13 minute video)
- Understanding Why Nuclear Power Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels (With an intro to space solar power and future American spacefaring capabilities) (15 minute video)
- Understanding Why Wind and Ground Solar Energy Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels (With an intro to space solar power and future American spacefaring capabilities) (15 minute video)
- Energy & Environmental Security Series Technical Addendum (7 minute video)
Papers and articles:
- America’s moral obligation to develop astroelectricity
A version of this paper was published on The Space Review on 14 February 2022. This version of the paper, with more illustrations, was subsequently posted on the Spacefaring America blog. - An assessment of EU decarbonization options including astroelectricity
This paper was published on The Space Review on 15 November 2021 and subsequently on the Spacefaring America blog. - The Coming Age of Astroelectricity (Space Renaissance International 3rd World Congress – June 26th – 29th 2021)
Abstract: This paper defines a progressive engineering solution to the world’s need to undertake an orderly transition to abundant clean energy by 2100 to eliminate net anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and provide sufficient sustainable energy per capita to enable social and economic development while eradicating poverty worldwide. This paper begins by explaining the critical dependency of civilization on sufficient and affordable supplies of energy and the technologies to use this energy. The paper next examines the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement to identify why these are now outdated and need to be replaced. The paper then proposes 2100 targets for the worldwide green energy required to achieve global sustainable development to a middle-class standard of living similar to that of the European Union. Next, the paper examines terrestrial sources of sustainable energy to quantitatively show why a substantial reliance on these sources is unlikely. The paper concludes by showing how space solar power-generated astroelectricity will enable the world to peacefully undertake its transition to abundant, sustainable energy. - Communist China’s Space Threat (August 1,2020)
This eBook originally appeared in the Spacefaring America blog as post 118, published in August 2020. This article has two parts. The first part focuses on the long-term communist China threat to the United States in space during this new Cold War—Cold War II. This is the threat that will drive America to develop a manned “Star Fleet” to deter and, if necessary, defeat communist Chinese aggression in space. The second part provides a brief history of world communism to inform Americans, especially younger Americans that did not experience the Cold War with the Soviet Union, of the existential threat posed by communism, both foreign and domestic. - Disruptive American Astrologistics (September 19, 2019)
Preface: In January 2019, my article “American Astrologistics” was published by the Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC). This article, “Disruptive American Astrologistics”, sets the stage for the DSIAC article by providing a macro-view of the needed American spacefaring logistics—astrologistics—advancements now needed to jumpstart the second era of America’s space age. - Solving the Commercial Passenger Spaceflight Puzzle (The Space Review, 3-part series beginning September 3, 2019)
Abstract: This paper discusses how to develop a commercial passenger spaceflight industry with acceptable safety. In Part 1, current federal law governing the safety of “spaceflight participants” is discussed along with NASA’s “human-rated” approach to their astronaut safety. A proposal by the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety for certifying safety, based on NASA’s “human-rated” system, is critiqued. In Part 2, the need for commercial passenger spaceflight systems to be airworthiness certified is explained and why this is not a hindrance to advancing human spaceflight. In Part 3, the Air Force Transatmospheric Vehicle (TAV) concept of a Boeing two-stage-to-orbit system is used to highlight how a commercial passenger spaceflight industry can now be started. The author proposes the creation of a federal port authority to undertake the development of the initial commercial spaceliners and spacelifters. - Rationale for a National Astroelectricity Program (Updated version of the article published at the Space Review, April 15, 2019).
- Why expanding nuclear power is not a wise choice
Abstract: To address the increased public interest in expanding nuclear fission energy to replace fossil fuels, this white paper explains why this is not a wise choice. - American “astrologistics” (DSIAC Journal, Volume 6, Number 1, Winter 2019)
- Astroelectricity (eBook, 2019)
This century, the United States faces two serious and related threats. The first is the abnormally high atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration due to anthropogenic causes. The second is an inadequate domestic fossil fuel supply that will lead to shortages, and likely warfare, later this century. This book begins by defining these two threats to establish why America now needs to transition, this century, from non-sustainable fossil fuels to sustainable energy. The book continues by evaluating the domestic options for sustainable energy. Each of the three primary terrestrial options—nuclear, wind, and solar—are quantitatively assessed and found to be impractical solutions at the scale needed to replace fossil fuels. The book then examines what will be required to use geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) space solar power—astroelectricity—to replace fossil fuels and the cultural and military implications of transitioning to sustainable energy. The book concludes with a call for American engineers to advocate establishing a national astroelectricity program and explains why American engineers have a clear ethical obligation to undertake this advocacy. - Why airworthiness certification is necessary for commercial human spaceflight (The Space Review, August 27, 2018)
- Spacefaring Logistics Infrastructure Planning (20180821 update)
Abstract: The human settlement of space will involve the design, fabrication, testing, deployment, operation, replenishment, maintenance, repair, and disposal of a wide spectrum of spacefaring logistics operations. These will include reusable, aircraft-like space access systems, expendable and reusable traditional launch vehicles, Earth-orbiting space bases, space tugs and ferries, interplanetary spaceships, surface and orbiting bases on the Moon and Mars, extraterrestrial space and surface mobility systems, and space colonies throughout the central solar system. This paper discusses the importance of carefully and systematically undertaking the systems engineering planning of the basic logistics infrastructure for the first phase of humanity’s spaceward expansion. Further, this paper proposes an initial spacefaring logistics infrastructure planning requirement, derived functional requirements, functional elements, and functional interfaces that may serve as a starting point for further analysis and refinement. - An alternative proposal for a revolution in hypersonics and space (Parts 1 and 2) (The Space Review, July 16 & 23, 2018)
- Why the AIAA should advocate for GEO space solar power (2018 AIAA Propulsion & Power Conference)
Abstract: This century, the United States faces two serious and related threats. The first is the abnormally high atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration due to anthropogenic causes. The second is an inadequate domestic fossil fuel supply that will lead to shortages, and likely warfare, later this century. This paper begins by defining these two threats to establish why America now needs to transition, this century, from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. The paper continues by evaluating the domestic options for sustainable energy. Each of the three primary terrestrial options—nuclear, wind, and solar—are quantitatively assessed and found to be impractical solutions at the scale needed to replace fossil fuels. The paper then examines what will be required to use GEO space solar power to replace fossil fuels. The paper concludes with a call for the AIAA to advocate that the United States establish a national GEO space solar power program and explains why the AIAA has a clear ethical obligation to undertake this advocacy. - Some commentary about the National Space Council’s inaugural meeting (Part 2) (The Space Review, October 23, 2017)
- Some commentary about the National Space Council’s inaugural meeting (Part 1) (The Space Review, October 16, 2017)
- Transcript of the October 5, 2017 meeting of the National Space Council ( blog post)
- Forming an American Spacefaring Advisory Group to the National Space Council (The Space Review, September 11, 2017)
- In support of forming a US Space Corps now! (The Space Review, July 10, 2017)
- An engineer’s view of what low-cost, reusable, commercial passenger space transportation means (The Space Review, January 23, 2017)
- Should NASA build spacefaring logistics infrastructure? (The Space Review, January 9, 2017)
- A Trump Administration path to advance commercial space solar power (The Space Review, December 12, 2016)
- Analysis of Using Nuclear, Wind, and Ground Solar Energy to Meet US 2100 Per Capita Energy Needs (Slide show) Spacefaring Institute 2016
Abstract: This analysis was done, drawing upon the results of the Analysis of US 2100 Energy Needs and Sustainable Energy Sources, (below) to support several videos prepared for the Spacefaring Institute YouTube channel. In this analysis, the per capita dispatched electricity and fuel needs of Americans in 2100 are identified. Using these values, the amount of nuclear, wind, and ground solar-generated electricity required to meet these needs are determined. This information is used to estimate the number of nuclear power plants and the land area of wind farms and ground solar farms needed to meet US energy needs in 2100 per 100 million Americans served. - Petitioning the US to take the lead in space solar power (The Space Review, May 31, 2016)
- Federal legislation to jumpstart space solar power (The Space Review, April 4, 2016)
- US terrestrial non-fossil fuel energy vs. space solar power (The Space Review, March 14, 2016)
- US fossil fuel energy insecurity and space solar power (The Space Review, March 7, 2016)
- The Paris climate agreement and space solar power (The Space Review, February 29, 2106)
- Analysis of US 2100 Energy Needs and Sustainable Energy Sources, Spacefaring Institute LLC, 2016
Abstract: Environmental and energy security threats will bring an end to the general use of fossil fuels in the United States this century. To replace fossil fuels, the United States will need to build an immense sustainable energy capability. Nuclear fission energy, wind energy, and ground solar energy are the three primary terrestrial alternatives while space solar power is the primary space-based sustainable energy alternative. None of the three terrestrial energy alternatives provide a practical replacement for fossil fuels. Space-based sustainable energy, including space solar power, provides a practical alternative. US immigration policy will substantially influence the life of the remaining US fossil fuel endowment and the cost of building the replacement energy sources. Version 2 adds an updated projection of the size of the US population in 2100. - Becoming Spacefaring: America’s Path Forward in Space (Journal of Space Philosophy, Fall, 2015) (PDF)
Abstract: Fundamental to a nation’s national security is energy security. The United States is substantially energy insecure, and this energy insecurity is growing. A barrel of oil equivalent (BOE), representing the energy content of 42 US gallons of oil, is a convenient measure of energy resources, production, and consumption. In 2010, with a population of 309.3 million, the United States consumed 18 billion BOE of energy, with 85% coming from fossil fuels. By 2100, with a likely population of 617.5 million, the United States will need 31 billion BOE of energy. Fossil fuels cannot meet this demand. Hence, the United States must switch to sustainable energy. This will take decades and cost tens of trillions of dollars. The only practicable option is space-based solar and nuclear power, most likely from geostationary Earth orbit, and transmitted to ground receiving stations. To become energy secure with sustainable space-based power, the United States must begin a spacefaring industrial revolution and become a true, human, commercial spacefaring nation. A substantial, airline-like spacefaring infrastructure must be built throughout the Earth-Moon system to support this new and substantial space-based power industry. The presidential policy changes needed to pursue space-based power and the spacefaring industrial revolution are discussed. - The American Energy Security Crisis Solution—Space Solar Power (Journal of Space Philosophy, Spring, 2014) (PDF)
This is an earlier version of the above paper with substantial quantitative discussion of America’s fossil fuel energy security crisis. - Political Feasibility and Space Solar Power Implementation (with Bob Krone; Journal of Space Philosophy, Spring, 2014)
Abstract: We assert that because decisions for major U.S. Space programs are biased by politics, this political reality must be now factored into the emerging public debate on the vital need to adopt space solar power to replace fossil fuels this century. The purpose of this article is to link Bob Krone’s theory of political feasibility with Mike Snead’s research into the United States’ future energy alternatives. Bob Krone begins by providing readers the validated theory of the political feasibility phenomenon. Mike Snead follows with a discussion of why space solar power is needed and what public policy decisions are needed to undertake this effectively in the United States. We conclude with recommendations of immediate specific actions to take. - The Vital Need for America to Develop Space Solar Power (The Space Review, 4 May 2009) A print version is available here. (Note this version has a couple of minor numeric corrections from the version published in the space review.) This requires Adobe Reader Version 8 or higher. (This paper is copyright (c) 2009 Spacefaring Institute LLC. See the cover page for permitted uses.)
- The End of Easy Energy and What to Do About It. (White paper, 19 November 2008) (Specific copyright permissions and restrictions are listed on this document – posting on another site is not permitted without prior written permission of J. M. Snead.)
Abstract: Easy energy refers to the current oil, coal, and natural gas energy sources that provide about 86% of the U.S.’s and the world’s energy. An increasing average world per capita demand for easy energy combined with a growing U.S. and world population will exhaust recoverable resources of easy energy this century, probably within the lifetime of today’s young children. Current sustainable nuclear and renewable energy sources provide only about 14% of the world’s electricity and modern fuel needs. To meet the world’s projected 3X increase in energy needs by 2100, if not decades earlier, today’s sustainable energy production must expand by a factor of over 24X. This paper’s assessment of the energy production potential of conventional nuclear, geothermal, wind, ground solar electric, and land biomass finds that these will fall significantly short of both the U.S.’s or the world’s 2100 sustainable energy needs. To fill the substantial sustainable energy shortfall that will emerge by 2100 as the era of easy energy ends, space solar power and algae biodiesel—absent the extensive use of advanced nuclear energy and/or undersea methane hydrates—will need to be substantially developed. Space solar power will be needed to supply most of the U.S.’s and the world’s dispatchable electrical power generation capacity while hydrogen produced with off-peak space solar power electricity and algae biodiesel will be needed to fill the fuels shortfall. - Assessing the practicality of scramjet-powered, single-stage aerospaceplanes (The Space Review, 31 Mar 2008)
- Spacefaring Logistics Infrastructure: The Foundation of a Spacefaring America (AstroPolitics 6-1, March 2008)
Abstract: The American spacefaring dream, which envisions average Americans being able to safely and routinely travel to and work in space, remains the American public’s benchmark for measuring progress in America’s human space enterprises. This article begins with a brief review of the ideas and developments that led up to the formation of the American spacefaring dream in the late 1950s. It continues with discussion of how building new logistics infrastructure capabilities has enabled America to lead the world in opening new physical and technological frontiers and why this provides a successful model for fulfilling the American spacefaring dream of opening the space frontier. The article concludes with the identification of specific planning objectives to guide the development, construction, and operation of an integrated American spacefaring logistics infrastructure - What to tell the next president about realizing America’s potential in space (The Space Review, 4 Feb 2008)
- Aerospaceplanes and space solar power (The Space Review, 3 Dec 2007)
- Becoming a true spacefaring America (The Space Review, 4 Sep 2007) Also available here.
- Near-Future Space Logistics Vehicles (AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, July 2007)
Abstract: Key elements of the needed near-future, integrated, spacefaring logistics infrastructure are space-based, fully-reusable space logistics vehicles to provide transportation for passengers and cargo. This paper addresses the conceptual design of two such reusable spaceships using near-term technologies. The first is a space tug designed to support logistics operations in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This space tug is sized to provide materiel handling, cargo transport, and passenger transport capabilities to support the construction and operation of orbiting logistics facilities and large spaceships. The second is a space ferry designed to transport cargo and passengers throughout the Earth-Moon system. This paper defines the assumptions and mission requirements used in the conceptual design of these two spaceships, summarizes the required Delta-V and maneuvering capabilities, assesses the technology maturity of the enabling technologies, summarizes the mass property estimates, provides illustrations of the conceptual designs, and provides examples of their use and integration into a near-future, integrated, spacefaring logistics infrastructure. The intent of this paper is to describe how current technologies can enable “aircraft-like” safe and routine transport of passengers and cargo within the Earth-Moon system. - Technically-achievable, Near-term Space Logistics (a longer version of the Aerospace America article below)
- A Space Logistics Infrastructure for the Near Term (AIAA Aerospace America, October 2006)
This is a short version of the July 2004 technical paper Architecting Rapid Growth in Space Logistics Capabilities. - Achieving Near-Term, Aircraft-like Reusable Space Access (AIAA Space 2006)
Abstract: Before the United States can practically expand its human space operations, the ability to transport passengers and cargo to low Earth orbit with aircraft-like safety and operability must be established. Contrary to popular belief, the critical technologies and system engineering principles and practices necessary to develop and deploy near-term, fully-reusable space access systems exist today. This paper describes how the design and operational heritage of aircraft, particularly military aircraft, can be used to develop the systems integrity processes that will guide the development and operation of reusable space access systems intended for the safe, routine, and frequent transport of passengers and cargo. This paper continues with a general description of special considerations that should be explored in defining the conceptual design of a near-term, aircraft-like, reusable space access system. The paper concludes with a brief introduction to the conceptual design of a near-term reusable space access system responsive to the system integrity considerations addressed in this paper. - Cost Estimates of Near-Term, Fully-Reusable Space Access Systems (AIAA Space 2006)
The Air Force Research Laboratory and the Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center have completed in-house and contracted conceptual design analyses of near-term, two-stage, vertical takeoff and horizontal landing, fully-reusable space access systems to transport passengers and cargo to and from low Earth orbit. These efforts have identified closed vehicle designs using mature technologies. These designs and related estimates for ground support requirements have been used to prepare rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimates for the development, production, and recurring operational costs of these systems. The costing methodology in Koelle’s Handbook of Cost Engineering for Space Transportation Systems has been used to estimate the development and production costs. A separate methodology, based on estimates of the direct support labor requirements, has been used to prepare an estimate of the recurring costs. This paper summarizes the conceptual reusable space access system design results, describes the application of Koelle’s costing methodology, reports the ROM cost estimates, and compares these costs against prevailing space access costs. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of an infrastructure-style funding approach to develop and acquire these near-term, fully-reusable space access systems. - Achieving Mastery of Space Operations by Transforming Space Logistics (Submitted version of article for the International Society of Logistics magazine Logistics Spectrum, August 2005)
- Architecting Rapid Growth in Space Logistics Capabilities (AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, July 2004)
Abstract: This paper describes how the United States can develop, deploy, and operate an integrated, commercial-based, space logistics infrastructure to undertake its transition into a true spacefaring nation. The paper first addresses historical examples and the benefits arising from building new logistics infrastructure. It relates this experience to the advantages that building an integrated space logistics infrastructure would have on human space operations and the growth of other Government and commercial space enterprises. The paper continues with a description of an example space logistics architecture and its logistics functions that would provide basic spacefaring capabilities. The paper then describes example systems, comprising this architecture, which would provide safe and routine access to and from space for passengers and cargo, mobility within the Earth-Moon system for passengers and cargo, and in-space logistical facilities and services. Special attention is given to achieving near-term reusable space access. The paper concludes with a discussion of how the commercial space logistics services and suppliers could be established and organized through a new federal space logistics corporation that would contract for commercial logistical services for Government space operations while also supporting commercial space operations. - The Astral Highway: A National Space Infrastructure. Space 2000: The 7th International Conference/Exposition on Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Business in Space; American Society of Civil Engineers. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Feb. 27 – Mar 2, 2000.
Abstract:This paper discusses the need for a national space transportation and in-space logistical support infrastructure. It proposes that this space infrastructure be built through a partnership of the Government and private industry. A scenario and schedule for developing this infrastructure and suggested technical approaches for building its primary elements are described. - A Proposed Implementation Strategy for Building a Shared Space Infrastructure (AIAA-98-5178)
Abstract: This paper describes an achievable and affordable approach for building a shared space infrastructure. This infrastructure will benefit all three space sectors—commercial, civil and national defense—by providing new and enhanced shared capabilities that will improve the safety, reliability and affordability of their robotic and human space operations. The proposed Phase 1A (2000-2017) infrastructure will be comprised of commercial Reusable Launch Vehicles; a Shuttle-derived, unmanned, heavy-lift launch system; four low Earth orbit (LEO) spaceports; spaceport-based interorbit transports capable of reaching geosynchronous orbit; and, an in-space logistics support capability. During Phase 1B (2018-2025), the infrastructure expands the size of the LEO spaceports to accommodate specialized user needs, adds new Earth-to-orbit low cost launch systems for durable cargo, adds upgraded interorbit transports to provide support lunar and deep space exploration, and adds first-generation interplanetary spaceships to extend routine transportation to lunar orbit. This space infrastructure will also be capable of supporting a manned Mars exploration program and robotic probes to near-Earth asteroids and comets. This paper focuses on a strategy for building and financing this shared space infrastructure. Specifically, it describes an acquisition strategy for Phase 1A that effectively uses current space technology and infrastructure capabilities to reduce programmatic risk and enables achieving an initial operational capability in 2012. Further, it describes an approach for financing the fabrication and operation of the Phase 1A infrastructure and covering necessary transportation transition costs using funds already budgeted for in the present government spacelift budget. - Space Infrastructure Planning. Space 96: The 5th International Conference/Exposition on Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Business in Space; American Society of Civil Engineers. Albuquerque, New Mexico, June1-6, 1996.
Abstract: The human settlement of space will involve the design, fabrication, testing, deployment, operation, replenishment, maintenance, repair, and disposal of a wide spectrum of space operations and transportation systems. These will include reusable launch vehicles, orbiting space stations, space tugs, interplanetary transports, and planetary bases. This paper discusses the importance of carefully and systematically undertaking the systems engineering planning of the basic infrastructure for the first phase of this settlement. Further, this paper proposes a basic space infrastructure planning requirement, derived functional requirements, functional elements and functional interfaces that may serve as a starting point for further analysis and refinement. - Building Large Space Bases in Low Earth Orbit. Space 96: The 5th International Conference/Exposition on Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Business in Space; American Society of Civil Engineers. Albuquerque, New Mexico, June1-6, 1996.
Abstract: Opening the space frontier to human settlement and enterprise requires that a basic infrastructure be developed that will provide the necessary services to support these human activities. One of the first steps in establishing this basic infrastructure is to build large space bases in low earth orbit that will serve as the terminus for the reusable launch vehicles or planetary shuttles now under development. This paper discusses a proposed approach for building such large space bases using the current Space Shuttle’s technology base. - Space Base 1: Building a Large Space Station Using External Tank Technologies (Princeton/AIAA/SSI Conference, May 15-18, 1991)
Abstract: This paper proposes a unique, near-term, moderate-cost approach for building a large, multi-use space station in low Earth orbit through the utilization of Space Shuttle External Tank technologies. This large space station, called Space Base 1, is designed for crew sizes starting at 25 with provisions for expansion to about 170. It has sizeable research laboratories, variable gravity processing and training facilities (simultaneously from zero to Mars g-levels), recreational and physical fitness facilities, individual crew quarters, agricultural facilities, and a partially-closed life support system. Space Base 1 is constructed from specially fabricated versions of the External Tank which are launched into orbit via an unmanned version of the Space Shuttle transportation system similar to NASA’s proposed Shuttle C. By using this approach, only eight launches of this unmanned system are required to plance the station’s modules and equipment into orbit for an initial crew size of 25. Four regular manned Space Shuttle missions are required to transport the construction crews and initial operation crew to the station. Space Base 1 would be suitable as the low Earth orbit development, training, and logistics base to support the proposed Space Exploration Initiative’s manned Lunar and Mars exploration programs. Its large physical size with facilities for a large crew make it suitable to support a robust program of exploration and the expansion of manned activities in Earth orbit. - Changes in the General Specification for Aircraft Structures: Air Force Guide Specification 87221A. U.S. Air Force Aircraft Structural Integrity Conference, San Antonio, Texas, December 11-13, 1990.
Abstract: This paper discusses the significant changes incorporated into the revision of the Air Force’s Structures Mil-Prime Specification – AFGS-87221A. - The X-30 Structural Integrity Program: The Challenges Ahead (Air Force Aircraft Structural Integrity Program Conference, 1988)
Abstract: Some major issues are discussed that need to be addressed in the structural integrity program for the X-30 (NASP) vehicle. The primary emphasis in this paper is a method that may prove attractive for qualifying the structure for flight. A probabilistic approach is described that will enable the structural engineer to determine the risk of structural failure from the loading environment imposed on a hypersonic vehicle. The basis for the method is a time domain analysis where the loads from all significant sources are calculated and then a Monte Carlo technique is used to determine their probability distribution function. The probability distribution for strength is then determined based on an examination of the failure modes for each critical location. The combination of these distributions can then be used to determine the probability of failure.
- Space Abundance for Humankind’s Needs. (23 charts with speaker notes; PDF format.) This is the brief presentation given at the National Space Society’s International Space Development Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2017. (Copyright (c) 2017 Spacefaring Institute LLC.)
- Energy, SSP, and Jumpstarting America’s Spacefaring Future (52 charts; 6 Meg; PDF format) This is the presentation given at the National Space Society International Space Development Conference 2009 in Orlando, FL. Speaker notes are included. (Copyright (c) 2009 Spacefaring Institute LLC. See title page notes for permitted uses.)
- Becoming Spacefaring Overview (36 charts) (Copyright (c) 2009 Spacefaring Institute LLC. Specific copyright permissions and restrictions are listed on the cover page – posting on another web site is not permitted without prior written permission of the Spacefaring Institute LLC.) This requires Adobe Reader Version 8 or higher to view.
- NASA solar power satellite concept (2048 x 1593)
- Spacefaring logistics infrastructure concepts (3000 x 2103)
- Spacefaring America desktop background image (2880 x 1800)
NSSO summer 2007 Space-Based Solar Power Study
- NSSO summer 2007 Space-Based Solar Power spacefaring logistics fact sheets. These fact sheets provide top-level details on many elements of the integrated spacefaring logistics infrastructure discussed in my papers and articles.
- Space-Based Solar Power Logistics Summary (what became Appendix D in the report)
- Spacefaring Logistics Infrastructure Phase 1
- Spacefaring Logistics Infrastructure Phase 2
- Spacefaring Logistics Infrastructure Phase 3
- Aerospaceplane Generation 1
- Aerospaceplane Generation 1 Cost Estimate
- Aerospaceplane Generation 1.5
- Aerospaceplane Generation 1.5 Cost Estimate
- Shuttle-derived Spacelifter
- Space Construction Station
- Space Logistics Base
- Space Logistics Base Assembly
Miscellaneous technical information from other public sources:
- Congressional Office of Technology Assessment 1981 Report on Space Solar Power
This report summarizes and provides commentary of the use of Space Solar Power at the time when NASA and the Department of Energy were undertaking a broad series of investigations into used SSP. Of importance are remarks regarding the military significant of an adversary being first to develop SSP. - The High Frontier: A New National Strategy by Lt. Gen. Daniel O. Graham (USA, retired), 1982
This free book, converted into a text-searchable downloadable PDF, was written at the height of the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union. The central focus of this book was the utilization of space to provide the active means to defend the United States from ballistic missiles. This book described much of what became the Strategic Defense Initiative—commonly known as “Star Wars”—initiated formerly by President Ronald Reagan in 1983. - Military Space Forces: The Next Fifty Years by John M. Collins (October 12, 1989)
This is a Congressional Research Service report providing an evaluation of possible offensive military operations in space. - Space Transportation System Stack Assembly
This is an excellent historical technical description of the NASA Space Transportation System (Space Shuttle) prepared as an Historic American Engineering Record by the Space Transportation System Recording Project, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. It is comprised of 28 pages of technical drawings describing all aspects of the system design and its operation. - Space Transportation System Main Engine
This is a second historical technical description prepared by the Historic American Engineering Record. - Effect of Aircraft Failures on USAF Structural Requirements by Dr. John Lincoln. ICAS 2000 Congress.
Abstract: Structural failures in both commercial and military aircraft have been the primary factor that has changed rules and specifications that engineers use for design. In many cases, the failures have identified threats to structural integrity that were not previously identified by the certification authorities. Commercial failures have influenced the military specifications and the military failures have influenced the commercial aircraft rules. The experience derived from the individual failures is used to describe the lessons learned and to illustrate the evolution of structural criteria that the United States Air Force (USAF) uses for procurement of new aircraft. - Report of the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization, January 11, 2001.